Why It’s Best To Nurture Child-like Mind In Us From Birth To Death

Eagle's Eye
9 min readJul 4, 2023


As we grow mature, we make things complicated & hard

When we were children we cried for not saving the life of birds. We cried to see a wounded person or the death of an unknown person. We cried for breaking the legs of dolls, we cried for seeing wounded birds after storms. As time goes on we become adults, and we no more worry about how a war caused the death of many lives or oppressing women.

When you look closely at a young child, you can’t miss a quality that we have lost as adults, and as leaders: pure and abundant innocence. They beam with freedom from a world of shame and regret. Something that over time we become suffocated in. They entertain new thoughts with humility and wonder. Something over time we have become afraid of as it represents weakness.

Along these same lines, Gandhi stated,

The greatest lessons in life, if we would but stoop and humble ourselves, we would learn not from the grown-up learned men, but from the so-called ignorant children.”

The wonder and curiosity you had as a child has not disappeared, it has only been masked by fear. Be courageous, be curious, and begin growing — ask those around you, “What can I do to be a better…?” (You fill in the blank, maybe it is listener, boss, employee, father, etc.) Listen for the answer with the curiosity of a child, suspending all judgment and fear — be amazed at what you learn!

Four Qualities Of Children Better Than Adults

1. Children Embrace Imagination As Adults Pursue “Maturity”

Human psychological maturity is defined as “acting appropriately in the context of time and culture.”

But in a life that already has a glaring, unavoidable limit of around 28,726 days, more limits don’t make sense unless they are absolutely necessary. I wholeheartedly recommend that you limit your consumption of arsenic, cyanide, mercury, Taco Bell, and lead.

But pure imagination is safe in very large doses, so long as your sense of reality is not lost (see: Inception — a good movie).

Think about the power of imagination. Any situation can be turned into an adventure with adequate imagination. That is exciting.

2. Children Are More Likely To Have Complete Trust

When we’re born and up until a certain age, we are completely at the mercy of others and are forced to trust them with our lives.

At some point, we strike independence and become more self-reliant — a good thing. However, self-reliance and the required skepticism to make it in this world combine to decrease our willingness and ability to trust trustworthy people with our love and lives. The bond of complete trust is one of the strongest human bonds there is — and many kids have it in spades (or hearts, for the emotional ones out there).

3. Children Don’t Make Assumptions

One of the biggest problems in human relationships that cause arguments is that we all tend to make false assumptions from time to time. You see I’m unemployed and assume I’m lazy. Jane sees a guy with lots of tattoos and thinks she knows why he got them and what type of person he is. When you tell a self-conscious girl she’s beautiful, she assumes you’re mocking her.

Adults can take a face-value comment and twist it into something it is not and was never intended to be.

If I tell a little girl she’s beautiful, she’ll blush or twirl or something cute like that.

And when children look at people, they see….people. They don’t try to define and label people they don’t know because they aren’t so well-acquainted with today’s stereotypes. In this way, they are more mature than adults.

4. Children Live Fun, Simple Lives

When you grew up and saw how young and naive you were as a tot, did you also recognize what you lost?

The life of a child is one of fewer responsibilities. When you have fewer responsibilities, what do you end up doing most of the time? You do the things you want to do.

As adults, we have responsibilities because we need to do certain things — but far fewer things than we think. Consider this video about the Mexican fisherman (seen here) who lived the life he wanted to with few demands of his time. To provide food for his family, he went fishing (a retirement activity). He lived a simple life.

Bad Qualities Of Adults & Why These Qualities Cause Harm To Others

Here are 11 bad qualities of adults that have harmful effects on society

1. Greed
2. Argumentative
3. Cowardly
4. Impulsive
5. Self-centered
6. Dishonest
7. Unable to empathize
8. Jealous
9. Sarcastic
10. Arrogant
11. Apathetic

Let's say one bad quality that’s a negative impact is huge. That one is greed.

Greed is an intense and selfish desire to have more, and it can destroy relationships at work, at home, and everywhere. Five problems with greed:

§ Jealousy- Comparing yourself to others — someone else will always have more than you.

§ Dishonesty- If you’re a greedy person, you’ll eventually end up lying and cheating to get more for yourself.

§ Shallow relationships- A jealous, dishonest person will only have relationships with people who can help him get more, and those relationships are always shallow

§ Lack of focus- Greed makes you lose sight of your true mission in life or business because your focus is on yourself and your money.

§ Dissatisfaction- At the end of the day, you’ll never be satisfied with life if your heart is full of greed, because if your goal is always to have more, you’ll never quite get there.

How adults people making the world more chaotic

· Adults people are losing the capacity to think beyond themselves.

· Adult priorities are a mess and most of us are crippled by or manipulated by fear.

· Adults aren’t raised with a sense of obligation, charity, or any kind of social action or sacrifice.

· Adults derive pleasure from hurting each other.

· Adults use sexuality to violate and control.

· The latest iPhone, Tesla, and custom handbag bag still haven’t brought people contentment or peace of mind.

· Our children are priceless, fragile masterpieces whose micromanaged lives prevent them from developing social and problem-solving skills without adults around.

· We also convince ourselves that allowing our children to run around free to create their own play experiences is a form of neglect and an invitation to kidnapping.

· We’re all afraid of each other and our leaders take advantage of that fear.

· Less and less authentic interactions with each other.

· Fewer opportunities for real community.

· “Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing…”

· — Oscar Wilde

What Should Be Life About

Life as we know it is pretty straightforward, once you’ve got some clarity around the fundamentals, it’s really then just about navigating the challenges and staying on that path.

There are several layers to this point of view, but I believe it’s pretty obvious that things begin to get a little more complex when our focus and attention are shifted away from what’s important.

So what is important?

Everyone has to ultimately answer that question for him or herself, but I truly believe that our existence here on this planet leaves plenty of clues.

Clues from nature,

From history and biology,

From mythology and literature,

From studies of human behavior and from science,

From our moral nature

From Culture and Philosophy

From the great spiritual traditions

The reality is that most people can’t (or won’t) see many of the clues, leaving a sense of uncertainty about their place in the world that’s difficult to reconcile.

It’s this uncertainty that forces us to act out in ways that are not conducive to living a life that’s aligned with our truest nature.

Making what would otherwise seem pretty simple, a lot more complicated than it needs to be.

It’s this complex nature of humans in search of meaning and purpose that ultimately stirs an array of emotions, and it’s the sometimes overwhelming nature of these thoughts and emotions that deviates us away from the path that’s laid out for us.

Five Qualities to live life Childlike

Children are simple & naive. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Simplicity is a part of faith. Simple living and contentment were the key teachings of the Prophet’s life: “Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don’t look at those who stand at a higher level than you, for this would make the favors (conferred upon you by Allah) insignificant (in your eyes).”(Muslim)

Being a Child Again

Each one of us speaks about our childhood days and times when we were carefree, and playful and went back to our parents every time we faced any problems. We instantly get attracted to children as they are very sweet and innocent. However, the secret is a little different and that’s what we will explore.


Children are innocent in nature that is they don’t hold grudges against anyone. If they have a fight or have troubled their mother or father then they would instantly apologize and make up. However, as adults, we hold grudges if someone shouts at us due to the inconvenience caused to them. It would rather be nice if we apologize and correct the energy flow and forget the bad memories.


Children are curious about learning new things. They learn by observing things and then registering the information inside. The questions like why or how are always a part of their growing-up days. We should also learn to be curious about the words and actions of people around us to learn about them rather than being influenced by what others say. We should observe people without judging them.


Children are happy even if they get a toffee because it is sweet that they like rather than the price. Also, they are not comparing what others have while they are getting what they want. In the same way, we need to ask ourselves that are we happy with the smaller things that we are getting in life or if are we comparing ourselves with others and looking at the bigger things. Appreciation allows us to be happy.


Children are very loveful as they are full of love. Children usually like to help without having any expectations from anyone. Children are so loveful that they would share their Tiffin boxes with others and also feed the animals if they see them hungry. As adults, we should also have the habit of sharing and bonding over food and helping everyone whenever the opportunity arises.


We have heard this ample of times that children are like GOD. The reason is that they are very pure in the mind. They are free of any knowledge about the vices such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego. As adults, we may have gained knowledge of these through our experiences but the practice of Spirituality allows us to sustain our minds' energy from the influence of the vices and keeps us protected.



Eagle's Eye
Eagle's Eye

Written by Eagle's Eye

Content writer & Research writer

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