Eagle's Eye
8 min readMar 29, 2023


The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the art world is a topic of increasing discussion and debate. From chatbot-generated poems to intricate generative art, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and experience art. However, as with any new technology, it also comes with its own set of pros and cons.

One of the biggest advantages of AI-generated art is its ability to democratize the process of art creation. With the use of AI tools and platforms, anyone can now create their own artwork, regardless of their artistic background or skill level. This leads to more people participating in the art world as creators, making it more inclusive and diverse.

Another pro is that AI-generated art can lead to new forms of self-expression and creativity. As AI algorithms can generate an endless number of variations, it opens up the possibility of new and unique art forms that were not possible before. This can push the boundaries of what we consider art and lead to more experimentation in the field.

AI also has the potential to blur the lines between traditional art forms, such as painting and sculpture, and new media, such as virtual and augmented reality. This can open up new possibilities for how and where art is experienced and exhibited.

In terms of accessibility, AI-generated art can make art more inclusive for visually-impaired individuals, for example, by providing audio descriptions or textual representations.

On the other hand, one of the cons of AI-generated art is the question of authenticity and authorship. As AI-generated art becomes more and more realistic, it can be difficult to tell if a piece was created by a human or by a machine. This raises important questions about who should be credited with the creation of an AI-generated piece of art and the concept of originality in art.

Furthermore, the use of AI in art raises important ethical questions, such as the ownership of AI-generated art and the use of data, both personal and general, for the AI’s art generation.

AI is changing the future of art in amazing ways, but the technology has several flaws to iron out, especially when it comes to its ethical use.

Copyright violation is the biggest problem alongside the ongoing debate on whether AI-generated images are real art at all.


1. Easy work: Artificial intelligence-generated content does not require much human input. This implies a firm may function with a few human minds and crunch massive quantities of data. As an organization, your productivity rises, you make more money, and you save even more money.

Utilizing AI content is beneficial for companies as it is produced faster and more accurately, while also being cost-effective. This allows you to redirect your attention to other profitable areas within your company. It’s important not to forget that AI-generated content works best when used in unison with human input; think of it as an assistant rather than a separate entity.

2. Capture Various Platforms in one Go

With the help of AI, you can easily generate large quantities of relevant content without needing to hire an extensive team. It also implies simpler management of a larger number of individuals at work, less dependency on interdepartmental communication, and less concern that your information will degrade in quality. In addition, you can distribute your content across multiple channels with little effort and whenever you’d like.

There are a number of ways to generate art using AI, but one of the most powerful is the AI art generator. This tool can be used to create art from text, images, or even video. The ai art generator is able to create new and unique pieces of art, by combining the inputs it receives.

3. It’s Made by Humans, No imagination is required.

Let’s be honest, AI-generated content is nothing more than a concept built and managed by humans. In other words, we are the boss. The complicated algorithms are created by expert programmers who “train” the machine to acquire a skill set. The computer software may be modified or adjusted to meet our preferences and demands. If you’ve ever seen a piece of word art or a text graphic and wondered how it was made, chances are it was created with an AI art generator. These tools use artificial intelligence to create generated images from text, usually by turning the words into a kind of visual puzzle.


1. Lacks an Understanding of Human Behavior

Though artificial intelligence can produce a high quantity of content, it often lacks the sensibility that humans possess. The programs can put two and two together realistically, but they frequently lack the sense of emotion that emotive content demands.

There is a common misconception that artificial intelligence (AI) can only be used for things like processing data or powering search engines. However, AI is also capable of generating works of art. This is achieved by feeding a database of images and information into an AI art generator.

The generator then uses this data to create new, original works of art. While the results may not always be immediately recognizable as art, they can still be fascinating and visually striking. Unfortunately, an AI art generator lacks an understanding of human behavior and emotion. As a result, the work it produces can often seem cold and impersonal. Nevertheless, AI-generated art is a rapidly growing field, and its potential is sure to be explored in the years to come.

2. It Can’t Come up with New Ideas and Lacks Common Sense

Artificial intelligence can only regurgitate pre-existing information; it cannot come up with creative or original content. Automated content can often seem nonsensical because it is. Algorithms that spit out content don’t care about making sure information is accurate or consistent, which is why a red carpet might become blue or a wool shawl could turn into the polyester.

AI also can’t understand shapes, lines, colors, etc., so detail often goes by the wayside. This is because it has no concept of textures or the tactile sensation they convey. This isn’t to imply that AI material is bad; rather, it requires more time in automating multiple categories and combining several stories at once.

The ai art generator is a machine-learning algorithm that has been designed to create art. However, it has been criticized for its lack of creativity and common sense. For example, when given a prompt to create a landscape, the ai art generator will often create a very basic image that lacks any interesting features.

Similarly, when asked to create a portrait, the ai art generator will often produce a simple line drawing that does not resemble a real person. This is due to the fact that the ai art generator is not capable of understanding or responding to context. As a result, they are not able to come up with new ideas or solve problems in a creative way. While the AI art generator can produce some interesting results, it is limited by its lack of creativity and common sense. Here is the link to the AI art Generator:

3. AI Generators Learn From Images Without Artists’ Permission

Whether the software uses generative adversarial networks or diffusion models, an AI art generator learns from existing images, videos, text, and so on, all of which come from the internet.

The AI developers can just take this data and feed it into their engine without notifying the original owners. Some people end up spotting artworks that look like theirs, but that they never created.

Blatant violation of copyright is only part of the ethical problem with AI art generators. Another is those artists can do nothing to reclaim their property and stop engines from taking more.

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4. Copyright Laws Are Unhelpful Against AI Generators

Creating art or any other material through artificial intelligence is a very complicated technology and one still in its infancy, so lawmakers don’t quite know what to make of it or how to protect artists’ copyright. Even big brands falling prey to it are reluctant to take action.

Until we can clearly define AI generators’ nature, structure, and boundaries, not to mention what should count as a crime and who to blame, there will be no official safeguards for artists besides what individual platforms set. The ban of AI art on Newgrounds, for example, specifies that computer-generated images aren’t welcome, but allows the use of AI in small parts of artworks, as long as their creators make a note of these elements so that others are aware.

5. They Don’t Compensate or Give Credit to Artists

What makes AI art even more unethical is that an engine’s developers and users barely consider the original artists, who can’t give permission or take credit or payment for their unwilling contribution to the new image.

While you don’t always know whose art an engine will use when you put in a prompt, some platforms let you choose from specific artists. StarryAI offers Banksy, Greg Rutkowski, and Ilya Kuvshinov among other popular names. Even a vague label can expand your prompt and show who the AI’s inspiration will be. There are no regulations, however, that compel users to give credit where it’s due.

6. Artists Lose Revenue Because People Turn to AI Generators

Besides AI engines and their developers taking advantage of copyrighted art without repercussions, artists also have to compete with free and easy-to-use art-generating software that makes potential customers turn to AI instead of human artists.

It doesn’t matter that it can take several tries to get the artwork you want or that there are security concerns when you share data to create self-portraits on Vana, for example. It’s a cheaper and faster option that artists can’t beat yet.

So, using AI-generated images instead of commissioning an artist for your projects takes business away from them and restricts an already competitive industry so much more.

A fairer strategy could be to only use human artists for official business and leave AI engines for personal fun, but, once again, it all comes down to what you can afford.

In commercial use, AI-generated artwork is often perceived as being more efficient and accurate than traditional methods. For example, an AI system was recently used to generate realistic 3D images of humans for a video game. The results were so realistic that some players had trouble telling the difference between the generated characters and real people. In the world of music, AI systems are being used to compose entire songs. These songs are often created by combining different audio files, which are then processed by a speech generator to create synthetic voices. While some critics argue that these songs lack soul, others find them to be strangely compelling.

While AI-generated art is often impressive, it is unlikely to completely replace traditional art forms. For one thing, machine-made art lacks the emotional connection that comes from being made by a human hand. There is also something unique about seeing a work of art that has been created through years of practice and dedication.

